March 25, 2005

Don't Mess With Texas!

Just came back from 10 days of Texas for a work conference with a colleague. I had a great time; lots of studying and training, and lots of seeping in the southern lifestyle. For a tall Jewish guy and a small Chinese girl, we stood out like a sore thumb, but there is something to be said about southern hospitality.. we were treated like family. Everyone there has super nice cars and trucks. They have all these "W" stickers on the back of the SUVs. It's BUSH COUNTRY BABY!

Remember when you were a little kid, sitting in the back seat of your parents car on a long trip, bored out of your mind.. and then when you passed a truck, you could make a clutching movement with your arm and if the trucker was nice enough, they would blow the steam out the top of the truck.. Well, in Texas, if you hold your middle three fingers in front of your face in the shape of a "W", they return the favor. Gotta love it. It was really different for us. I was also on the lookout for guns, but I didn't see any.

In our hotel, there was a Rabbinical conference. We rode the elevator with them many times. They were all joking about the choice of the location for the conference and all the beef in Texas that "ain't kosher." We spent a lot of time in the huge Texas malls, filled with GAPs and Starbucks.

There was a popular indoor ice rink that many locals frequented. It had a huge sign that read, "Home of Tara Lipinski." Too bad we missed the rodeo. I would have loved to watch a grown man dressed up like a clown trying to distract a bull.. I heard ZZ Top was in town. Oh well... My colleague was sad to say goodbye, but I told her, "hey kid, we'll always have Texas.."

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