February 15, 2005

Can't Win

At work many years ago, I rode the elevator one morning in Florida, heading down to the ground floor. The elevator stopped at the sixth floor. Enter Bert, a sixty-four year old "work dinosaur" that wore the most outlandish clothes.. white cowboy boots, stone washed black jeans, a bullet earring, a flowered shirt and blue-blocker glasses.. He smelt like he just hit by the Marlboro truck.

Bert slams the button for the second floor and shouts, "Ahhh crap.. I have to go to Horowitz to settle this account. F*ckin' Horowitz, always counting every single penny!"

As he shouted the "H" in Horowitz I was inundated with stong tobacco currents. I begin to chuckle.. it was too early in the morning to see an old man all riled up.

Bert turned to me again, "You know buddy, if there is one thing I learned about Horowitz, it's that you can never trust a jew.."

I really wasn't faded as I expected nothing less from Bert. Normally I wouldn't care but I felt like making 'conversation'..

"But Bert, I'm Jewish.."

He turned to me again and with a straight face muttered, "Then don't trust yourself."


naughtygirl said...

lol thats funny. i hate old crabby people. they really bring you down sometimes.lol

Anonymous said...

Man that is too much! I am sure you have to deal with that stuff from time to time. Your writing style portrays your humor very well.

Adriana Bliss said...

Oh my...as the cliche goes, truth is stranger than fiction! Great story...lol!

kato said...

Thanks Executive housewife for the encouragement.. I really needed it. I was simply caught in a rut.